Thursday, April 5, 2012


I can't believe a quarter of this year already passed by and we just entered a new one. 
I just entered what they call quarter life crisis too.
Well I am hoping things will turn over. It has been a pretty bad start of the year. It had been emotionally draining for me. There were a lot of changes too. I quit my job to start our own family business. There are things I had to let go too, my long hair and some people in my life.

But I am trying to be more optimistic about this year. Hopefully despite the fact that I will be setting up a business, I will still be able to travel.

I'm planning to go to Baguio this May and to Cebu this September. While I am there, I am considering holding craft workshops in those places. So if you are from those places or you know some people there, please leave me your email address once I finalize the details.

Kudos to changes!

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